Hügelkultur (Mound Planting) – Our second year garden

A Girl And Her Woodpile

It is early January, the year 2023, and we have started our planting for the year. Before landing here at Longshadows, I (Eli) have always known there were things to be done after winter peaks and the days begin to lengthen. But it was an intuitive knowing, without details. Now I have learned some of […]

Not your typical homestead…

Don't Start Anything New

The other day, Sophia got a fortune cookie that said, “Don’t start anything new unless you can see how to finish it.” It got me thinking. When we set out on this journey of building a homestead we were pretty clueless. I had to ask myself if before we started this we could see how […]

French Quarter sourdough bread with Brian!

Bread Shop

We have gotten so many requests for how to make our French Quarter sourdough bread, about ingredients and other general sourdough bread questions that we made a video! Sourdough with Brian. Let us know what you think in the comments!

What we make, grow, raise and buy at Longshadows Ranch

Kitchen Time

So many people have been asking us if growing our own food and raising animals (chickens) saves money. The short answer is yes! And no. So which is it? Well, it is just a financial balance sheet thing. Our first year garden and animals cost money. It was not too expensive, but we had to […]

When the Land Calls

Early Morning Ride

Both Brian and I cannot really say either of us grew up on a farm. What we can say is that in our childhood and at times throughout our grown-up years, we each spent time on farms. Some were tended by extended family while others were simply others we met along our journeys. We experienced […]

The Journey Begins

Collage Blog

Hello world!  You have found your way to the online home and blog of Longshadows Ranch. We are a family of 4 creating a homestead, learning how to be self-sufficient in many ways and sharing our journey with like-minded folks. We hope to be a resource for people thinking of, just starting or well on […]