Classes and Events
We are Cherokee and spend our days learning and using life ways that were and continue to be very successful. We are working every day towards self-sufficiency, to grow, hunt and forage our own food, preserve for the lean months, and restore land that was failing. On our homestead teaching farm we practice permaculture and regenerative ag (small-scale). We employ organic practices, companion planting, and believe the healthier the dirt the more productive the environment.
A huge part of our mission is to pass on the knowledge we have gained to those who are seeking it. We believe children learning the forgotten ways is critically important, especially right now. We have home schooled our kids for 5 years now and they are just about done. They are strong, outgoing, independent and self-sufficient. They laugh and romp and roam. And have become wonderful teachers alongside us. We teach people of all ages!
We open our doors here at Longshadows to those seeking to learn for themselves or expose their children to the knowledge of a working farm. How do we plant and harvest? What about those horses, chickens, ducks, bees, rabbits and sheep? What bugs are good in the garden and why? How do we make the soil better? And catch rainwater? And generate power? For people considering a life like this, we offer practical knowledge to help you build your dream.
Our classes are not anything like book learning. Instead, through working with us here on the farm, children and adults get to see knowledge they have gained applied in the real world. We incorporate chemistry, physics, mathematics, biological sciences like botany and ecology, and Cherokee culture and life ways. Participants are asked to problem solve and take responsibility for tasks appropriate to their age. They are encouraged to bond with the animals and help care for them.
Homeschool Classes
We run 2 homeschool classes per semester. One for kids 11 and under and one for 12 and older. We curate all students in our homeschool classes here at the ranch to ensure a strong community and good fit for all. If your young person is a new student, reach out to us through our contact form to let us know which classes you are interested in. We will arrange a visit here at the ranch with you so we can meet one another and make sure our classes are a good fit for everyone! If so, we will provide you with a link to enroll when enrollment is opened for the year.
Classes are limited to 20 students. Program Details Here. – we go through the material at different levels depending on the age group we are working with.
Note: If you have kids in both age groups, we are happy to make exceptions to the age guidelines based on your individual family situation.
- Farmyard Adventurers Homeschool Class for ages 0-11 years. Fall 2025, we will post enrollment when it opens.
- Farm Wise Homeschool Class for ages 12-18 years. Fall 2025, we will post enrollment when it opens.
Other Classes
- Hands-On, A Cherokee Life Ways Class – a monthly class for basket weaving, candle dipping, beading, food preservation, and other cool projects. Details for the next class will be posted soon.
- Cheese Making- details for the next class will be posted soon.
- Bee Keeping- details for the next class will be posted soon.
- Chicken Weekend Workshop- details for the next class will be posted soon.
Teen Game Night – Friday January 24th 2025 6:30pm
One Friday, every month, our teens in the community gather to hang out and play games – cards, board games, hide and seek, you name it! Ages are 12+ and we ask they stay off their cell phones. Time: 6:30-8:30 pm. Parents can drop off or stay and hang out with the other grown-ups. A small snack is provided.
Monthly Community Gathering, upcoming in Feb 2025
General Rules
- 11 and younger must be accompanied by an adult
- 12 and older can be dropped off. Parents are welcome to stay and often do.
- Clothing and Shoes
- Appropriate dress for the season is requested. We have found that wearing layers works best as the early part of the day can be cool whereas the afternoons can get warm, even into Oct/Nov.
- Closed toe shoes are important. There are brambles and critters and we would like to protect all the toes.
- Water: We supply fresh, clean drinking water but ask that our students bring their own water bottles. We spend a lot of time outside and want everyone to stay hydrated.
- Bug sprays: Bring your own favorite bug spray if you would like. We do not really use anything other than essential oils.
- Wildlife: There are many creatures sharing the land with us such as deer, fox, raccoons, possum, bobcat, coyote, hogs, black bears, turtles, snakes, rabbits and a variety of birds. We will do a wildlife safety session with everyone.
- Ranch Animals: We have some strict rules about our ranch animals that we ask all guests to follow.
- Rule #1: No chasing animals! Everyone will get lots of time to interact with their favorite animals, but we want to minimize the impact on our critters.
- Rule #2: Animals can only be fed certain foods. You are welcome to bring things from home to feed the critters as long as they are on the list. If you aren’t sure, reach out and ask.
- Horses: Carrots, apples, watermelon
- Chickens: veggies, grains, worms, bugs
- If you unlatch and open a gate you are in charge of closing and latching it behind you!!!
FAQ Answers
- Parents are welcome to hang out, participate, work, take a nap, wander around, whatever you want to do.
- Pets are welcome on a leash but need to be cleaned up after (we have shovels for this).
- Yes, there are spiders and snakes but we help you avoid them.
- Yes, there are bees, wasps and a variety of other flying insects but we teach bug safety. We have homeopathic remedies and a first aid kit on hand if needed for bites, stings, wounds, etc. If your person has any type of serious allergic reaction to bees or anything really, be sure and have your emergency treatment with you, for example, an epi pen.