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Daily Video Animal Updates!

Welcome to our daily video updates. We usually get every animal at least once a month, sometimes twice. And if we see someone while we are giving updates, we will mention them. These videos are a small glimpse of the daily life of the animals here at Longshadows.

Here are a few of our daily updates, but to see all of them you have to be a sponsor! Learn more here.

As a sponsor you have the opportunity to be in the daily video update if you visit while we are taping! And of course you can hang out with your critter.

12/9/23: Smoochums
This was a nice, warmish sunny day, not too cold for December. And the chickens were out cruising around for bugs. Brian and Smoochums got to hang out for a bit in this clip.

12/10/23: Smork
Today was a nice sunny day, but colder than yesterday! Not too cold for the chickens tho, they were out cruising around for bugs. Brian and Smork are hanging out in this video.

12/11/23: Perfection
Brian and Perfection hanging out on a beautiful sunny day.

12/12/23: Smork!

12/13/24: Josey – a cold Dec day with Sophia and Josey

12/14/23 – in editing

12/15/23: Perfection! Eating up worms and taking a bath!

12/16/23: Jo the Duck and Brian