Welcome to Nature Cure on the Homestead, a blog penned by me, Eli Camp. I discuss how we can each be self-sufficient healers of the home. Whether you are male, female, kid or grown-up, know that we each have all that we need to be healthy, heal from injury, overcome illness, ease pain, and it does not have to cost a fortune. In fact, when health and medicine are done in a certain way, healthcare never has to cost much at all, even when we are elderly. I love engagement – so even if you just want to say hi, leave a comment and help others find their way here. Namaste.



Check out our other blogs

Ranch News by all of us,
our homesteading journey and transitioning from a city to country state of mind.

Stall Talk by Sophia
covers everything about horses.

The Birds & The Bees by Brian M
adventures with chickens, bees and more.

Pick, Shovel, Hammer and Saw by Brian Kuhn
our building, remodeling, constructing and problem-solving endeavors.
Note: these are often problems of our (his) own making 🙂
